Our little pup Dexter was so sick for five day. He wouldn’t eat or drink, he was vomiting every day. On the 6th day I woke up with him lying on my chest, completely lethargic, breathing so shallow and slowly. My husband picked him up and began giving him water with a syringe. He also decided to try Ma Kush’s Natural CBD Pet Tincture. By dinner time he was back to his old sweet fun self. NO JOKE! Playing fetch and giving lots of hugs and kisses to the whole family. Now we give it to him and Bella every day. If we miss a dose, Dexter picks it up by the topper and throws it at us. He loves it and he knows it helped him. We LOVE Ma Kush’s Natural products for the whole family!!

XOXOX – Kimberly, Rick, Kristina, Jimmy, Dexter & Bella

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